Thursday, October 31, 2019

Are We Free within Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Are We Free within Society - Essay Example So it is really the males who allow for such gender bias? The actual question that hangs is â€Å"Do men have more freedom than women that allows them to dominate?† Unfortunately, it is our society that has given more freedom to men than to women. As we know, a society is built upon from its historical backgrounds and contains similar values and beliefs for a very long time. Our historical background, unfortunately, has held women in the background while men have always taken the center stage. The examples cited above are enough to remind us that women have been an oppressed segment of our society. Being physically weaker has left them good for lesser professions and, home and child-rearing have become their most accepted professions. Mary Wollstonecraft a famous British philosopher and feminist went on to say that â€Å"The grand source of female folly and vice has ever appeared to me to arise from narrowness of mind, and the very constitution of civil governments has put almost insuperable obstacles in the way to prevent the cultivation of the female understanding† [4]. Bearing the emotional characteristic, have left them untrustworthy of emotion enduring jobs. They have been subjected to this stereotype from the very beginning and it is this same stereotype that women have to face in our present society. Many modern machines have helped beat some of the stereotypes especially of physically weaker as it now requires only a part of the masculine resources, and if the minimum demanded is not above the female’s capacity, they can be considered as man’s equal [1]. Efforts to escape this charade have been welcomed in most quarters but it will be many years until women can truly turn the tables on men. A society consists of people from all walks of life. The rich, poor, young, old, working, non-working, colored, non-colored etc all are part of the society.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Race in the study of food Essay Example for Free

Race in the study of food Essay â€Å"Local food advocacy is a political and moral discourse that is meant to provide the foundation for understanding local food networks as sites of resistance against the norms and power of globalized industrial foodways† (Daston, 2017). Daston is correct â€Å"in her philosophy because, in various and dispersed traditions, nature has been upheld as the pattern of all values, the good, the true, and the beautiful.† (Daston, 2017) â€Å"There is nothing new about the link between nature and necessity, nor with the exculpatory inferences drawn from such links. † (Daston, 2017). In the first section of the paper, she describes local food advocacy as having a political and moral discourse that is meant to provide the foundation for understanding local food networks as sites of resistance against the norms and power of globalized industrial foodways. She explores the use of the concept of â€Å"nature† and the â€Å"natural† in local food discourses with a number of examples of local food advocacy in an attempt to decipher the meaning of the â€Å"natural† in the discourse. Portman (2014) discovers that a cluster of implicit concepts which are uncritically assumed to be earth-based, family-based, and feminine-based; these bases are also assumed to be unproblematic.† (Portman, 2014 Daston asserts that â€Å"the moral dimension of local food discourse, in general, is encompassed in the conviction that there are ethical and unethical ways by which our food can be produced, distributed and consumed.† (Daston, 2017). â€Å"It is only within this modern framework that we can make sense of the naturalistic fallacy, both its confusions and its tenacity. The naturalistic fallacy and its barnacle-like accretions assume what Frankena called a â€Å"bifurcation ontology† that prohibits commerce between the two immiscible realms. Repeated efforts on the part of monists of both materialist and idealist persuasion to dissolve the dichotomy in favor of one or another realm have only reinforced its binary logic† (Daston, 2017, p.581). Portman’s (2017) decision to delve into the ethics of local food advocacy is a timely decision as words such as organic, healthy, and farm-fresh have become a part of the mainstream vernacular. While it may seem random to popular culture.† (Portman, 2017, p. 4). His ideology supports a long-held belief that humans make their food choices based on financial ability. However, it is reckless to say that a single mother of four will make â€Å"everyone’s agreed upon† morally sound decision when trying to determine how to feed her children with her last $20. While politics and economics dictate the type of food presented to various populations and demographics, morality is a luxury that only those who have the time to debate it can afford. â€Å"In this context, the concept of the â€Å"natural† is frequently and uncritically invoked to argue for the ethical significance of participating in and advocating for local food networks. This is problematic in that the dualistic framework serves to obscure many actual complexities within the â€Å"natural† and the â€Å"local† themselves, and in their relationships with their counterparts, the â€Å"cultural† and the â€Å"global.† Thus, by leaving unquestioned certain assumptions about the meaning of the â€Å"natural† and how that meaning was constructed, local food advocacy is not as resistant as it might otherwise be.† (Portman, 2014) Datson (2014), on the other hand, supposes that the idea of morality having a direct influence on decisions regarding nature is a modern phenomenon. This notion supports the theory that these philosophical examinations are only able to be discussed because humans now have the knowledge and time, thanks to modern technology, to make these assumptions. Datson (2014) defined nature as, â€Å"everything in the universe (sometimes including and sometimes excluding human beings), to what is inborn rather than cultivated, to the wild rather than the civilized, to raw materials as opposed to refined products, to the spontaneous as opposed to the sophisticated, to what is native rather than foreign, to the material world without divinity, to a fruitful goddess, and to a great deal else, depending on epoch and context† (Portman, 2014) (p. 582). The lack of a universally accepted definition of the term they are trying to define speaks to the logical flaw that we cannot discount anything that we do not yet understand. It argues that just because something is natural it must be good. We act against nature all the time with money, vaccination, electricity, even medicine. In the same sense, many things that are natural are good, but not all unnatural things are unethical which is what the naturalistic fallacy argues. Both articles show a bias for people who have a choice. A choice to choose what they eat, a choice to carefully examine what they are able to consume, both physically and mentally, and a choice to act on their desires. According to the â€Å"Center for Disease Control (CDC), Non-Hispanic blacks have the highest age-adjusted rates of obesity (48.1%) followed by Hispanics (42.5%), non-Hispanic whites (34.5%), and non-Hispanic Asians (11.7%)† (2017).† The CDC also reported that â€Å"obesity decreased by the level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.5%), followed by high school graduates (32.3%), adults with some college (31.0%) and college graduates (22.2%)† (2016). The populations represented in these reports are often plagued by a lack of choice due to political agendas and systemic oppression. Without using these statistics to inform their theories, the authors have left out a demographic who would benefit the most from these findings. Portman (2017) and Daston (2014) have continued a discussion that has been argued for centuries. Portman (2017) provides an action-based solution to the posed questions and the stance it takes, while Daston (2014) attempts to break down a concept that has not been generally agreed upon. Both articles, when referenced wisely, can begin the movement of a positive change in the relationship between our decision-making and our food. References Daston, L. (2017). The naturalistic fallacy is modern. The History of Science Journal, The University of Chicago Press, 105(3), 579-587. doi:10.1086/678173. Overweight and Obesity. (2017). Adult Obesity Facts. Retrieved from Overweight and Obesity. (2017). Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps. Retrieved from Portman, A. (2014). Mother nature has it right: Local food advocacy and the appeal to the â€Å"natural.† Ethics and the Environment, 19(1), 1-30. Doi: 10.2979.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Performance Criteria For External Walls

Performance Criteria For External Walls External walls are referred to as cladding if they are made of masonry or panels. External walls are vertical elements which enclose the building. In the design of the specified building, the main performance criteria needed as requested by the client are as follows: WEATHER PROTECTION: Walls must be able to exclude rain, wind, snow, frost and sometimes heat and glare from the sun. The walls should often at the same time need to allow the building to be naturally ventilated and natural light to enter the building. In this respect, there are two broad functions the wall needs to perform.ÂÂ   It should resist moisture from the ground and therefore would normally need damp proof courses to do so. It should also be able to adequately resist the penetration of weather from the outside to the inside of the building. FIRE RESISTANCE OF EXTERNAL WALL The external envelope of the buildingÂÂ  should not provide a medium for fire spread if it is likely to be a risk to health or safety. The use of combustible materials for cladding framework, or of combustible thermal insulation as an over-cladding or in ventilated cavities, may present such a risk in the proposed buildings, even though the provisions for external surfaces may have been satisfied. Considering the event of fire breakout in the building, the walls of the building are required to inhibit the spread from room to room of the flames, smokes and gases. The external walls should fulfill the obligation of containing the fire within the building for prescribed period of time, thus limiting spread to adjacent buildings. It is ultimately necessary that the walls be able to perform their structural functions during the fire until all occupants have had sufficient time to escape. Based on the use of the building in this project, the time deemed necessary for such an escape is ÂÂ ½-2 hours. The materials must be carefully chosen so as to resist fore to the utmost. The combustibility of the materials must as low as possible so as to prevent quick spreading of the fire. THERMAL RESISTANCE Due to increased energy cost of recent times, and the higher comfort expectations of occupants of buildings, the pressure for better thermal insulation has become a predominant factor in the performance of buildings. There is therefore greater demand for service engineers to be involved in the thermal design of the external fabric of buildings. It therefore makes economic sense to design the walls of a building so that thermal energy consumption will be kept as low as possible. It is therefore recommended that the service engineers be aware of the required heating cycle of the building and should thus decide what thermal insulation is required and where it should be positioned. He should advise on the positioning of vapour barriers, thus reducing the occurrences of one of the major defects common in modern buildings, that of condensation. The walls having thermal resistance will limit the amount ofÂÂ  heat the building will lose from the internal spaces, and gain from the outside environment.ÂÂ   The materials used will determine exactly how compliance is achieved andÂÂ  manufacturers can generally provide some form of guidance for their products. Cavity Walls The cavity can be fully filled with insulation or partially filled (consult the manufacturers before proceeding). If it is partially filled then an airÂÂ  gap is generally required, the size of which willÂÂ  varying depending onÂÂ  the specific products used for the wall construction and insulation. The insulation should go at least 150mm below the DPC level. Solid Walls These walls are generally insulated by placing some form of thermal element on the inside and rendering the outside. The thickness of these products will depend on the thickness and type of block used. STRENGH AND STABILITY: Two main categories are distinguished here: Structural and non-structural. The former make a positive contribution in the structural integrity of the building and in doing do can act in two ways: 1. the walls may be load bearing and/or stabilizing. Here, they are designed to carry not only their own weight but also other loads exerted by the roof and floors. These walls are designed to resist compression. 2. When performing as stabilizing walls, they are designed to resist horizontal or oblique forces such as wind pressure, earth or water pressure, or thrust from other parts of the building such as arches. These walls are designed to resist shear and are often known as shear walls. The later are more commonly called non-load bearing. They are therefore designed to carry only their own weight and not that of any other elements in the building. It is worth noting here that such walls may still be requested to resist horizontal loads, in particular wind loading. DURABILITY It is often an expectation from most clients that the external fabric of the building will have an acceptable life expectancy. The external walls of the building of this design must be able to withstand the effects of the weather, such as wind, frost, snow, rain, sun and heat to be durable. The walls should also be able to resist physical damage to which they will be subjected during their life. Maintenance is therefore necessary in the elements of the building, including the walls in order to achieve a prescribed life expectancy. It is worth noting that care must be taken in the maintenance work as damage almost often results in the maintenance of the walls. BUILDABILITY Buildability relates more to judgment and knowledge than to mathematical analysis. Buildability reflects whether the specific design can be assembled by various trades without compromising the functional requirements during construction. Buildability is more related to good design than to superior workmanship because, as experience indicates, only a good design can combine all the environmental factors while presenting an easy construction pattern. For the most part, it is the designer who attends to the aspects of buildability such as material installation under different weather conditions, level of skill required for installation, and construction tolerances. Often buildability problems arise when different professions are involved; for instance neither the window manufacturer nor the wall designer may consider the window wall interface as their concern. It is therefore necessary not to disregard the difficulty that the builder can experience when constructing the proposed office building. NOISE Noise can cause stress and loss of sleep, and lead to ill health. For an office to be comfortable it must be designed so that its layout and structure keep noise to an acceptable level. Designing for noise control is not easy, because the sources of noise are not always apparent at design stage, and the paths by which sound travels are not always obvious. The aim, however, should be to ensure that most activities can be carried out without undue interference from internal or external noise. For external walls where windows provide passive ventilation, the need for ventilation must be balanced with the need to reduce noise open windows do not reduce noise from outside. To effectively reduce external noise, the external walls should be well constructed and insulated. A walls ability to reduce noise is dependent on: type of construction; materials; and insulation There are two main construction techniques for walls: Continuous construction A wall in which the components are mechanically connected such as single brick or single stud. Discontinuous construction A dual layer of wall in which the leaves have a minimum 20mm cavity and are not mechanically connected in any way, except at the periphery such as brick cavity and discontinuous stud. When choosing a wall system to reduce noise from the inner city environment, the contractor should consider: materials; general construction; and best practice design Increasing the thickness of the building materials, and ensuring all gaps are sealed can help considerably when dealing with sound insulation. An important feature of well constructed external walls is correctly sealed junctions, as this aids in the reduction of noise transmission through gaps and cracks at the edge of building elements. These noise flanking paths can defeat noise reduction techniques. An important feature of well constructed exterior walls is properly sealed junctions, which aid in the reduction of noise transferred via flanking paths (gaps at the edge of building elements that allow sound to travel through). Even a sound-rated wall may not perform adequately, if joints and junctions are not properly sealed. Challenges to good acoustic design of external walls can arise from noise transferred via flanking paths. It is important to minimise flanking through services and penetrations. The impact isolation of a wall may also be compromised by insufficient attention to detail. Flanking is the transfer of noise through paths around a building element, rather than through the element directly. Flanking can descr ibe the transfer of noise through gaps and cracks in a building element, or via incorrectly sealed junctions between two materials. These noise flanking paths can defeat noise reduction techniques. QUESTION THREE HOW PARTITIONS, SUSPENDED CEILING AND RAISED FLOOR CAN BE USED TO FACILITE THE CLIENT REQUIREMENT OF THE BUILDING PARTITIONS can be described as an internal wall of a structure which divides a building into a number of parts to serve its purpose. Partition can be divide into two main groups that is, load bearing and non load bearing. FUCTIONAL REQUIREMENT OF STEEL PARTITION SYSTEM The following are: Sound Insolution: Is the reduction obtained when sound passes from one side of a partition to another. Sound may considerd as waves of pressure. Sound Absorption: Is the material used to reduce the amount noise that is reflected from a wall surface back into the room and does not increase the sound reduced value of the structure. Sound absorption is usually achieved by adding a soffit finish to the head surface of a wall. Flexibility: The material should be flexible enough to resist any forces or any movement that will change it actual function. Strength and stability: The partition system should be strong enough to resist the various loads that may be imposed on it. These loads include permanent loads such as shelves and wash basins. Services and accommodation: Partition system should be providing with spaces or voids within partitions system to provide services accessed for repair and maintenance. TYPES OF PARTITIONS SYSTEM Metal stud partition: These can be defined as vertical internal space divides and are usually non loads bearing walls. These can be permanent, constructed of material such as metal post and sheet lining such as plasterboard. This type of partition is suitable for rehabilitation works. Joints in panels are usually filled as the plasterboard is normally covered with a scrim coat of plaster. It is however slowing, wasteful of materials and it is difficult to install components such as door and windows hatches. Frame and sheet partition: These are similar in concepts metal stud and sheet partitions; except that they are constructed using an arrangement of proprietary components such as doors and glazing element. Cutting component is kept a minimum and joints between panels are usually expressed using cover strips. Frame and sheet partitions are suitable for dismantling and relocation, and can be called demountable partitions. Frame and panel partition: These are variations on the frame and sheet partition. In this system the panels are placed between the studs or frame which is left exposed. These methods are constructed by using self supporting panels, with double skin of plasterboard separated by egg-create element. SUSPENDED CEILING Suspended ceiling: These can be defined as ceiling which is fixed to a framework suspended from the main structure thus forming voids between the two components. It is used where enough height as available to hang it from the ceiling joists and still have enough height between the floor and new ceiling. Suspended ceiling have two main functions: a metal grid that provide a structural and a height weight panels that slip into grid. The basic functional requirement of suspended ceiling is: They should be easy to construct, repaired, maintain and clean. Should be designed that an adequate means of access is provide to the voids spaces for the maintenance of the suspension system concealed services and / or light fighting. Provide any required sound and / or thermal insulation. Provide any required acoustic control in terms absorption and reverberation. Should be provide with fire resistance or protection to structure steel beams supporting floor. Conform with the minimum requirements set out in the Building Regulations and in particular the regulations governing the restriction of spread of flame over surfaces of ceiling and exceptions permitting the uses of certain plastic material. TYPES OF SUSPENDED CEILING The suspended ceiling can be classified as the way in which they are constructed as following: Jointless ceiling: These ceilings although suspended below the main form uses sheets of plasterboard. In these systems the plasterboard is fixed to the underside of the suspended framework. This can provide fire resistant ceiling and this may be one of the reasons for using this type of construction. Moreover it is not suitable for a situation where service is to be carried in the voids unless they can be approached from the floor area above. This type of ceiling is particularly useful where the ceiling needs to take s sculptured shape. It can provide a fire resistant ceiling construction. Jointed or frame and tile systems: These ceilings are the commonest form of suspended ceiling use in construction industry today. They constructed with a metal framed grid suspended from the floor or structure above. In this system the grid are fitted tiles made from different materials such as minerals fibre board, plaster and metal and it is supported by the grid. Generally these types of ceiling are easily constructed, maintained and easy means of access to services. Open ceiling: These ceiling are designed to give a visual barrier between the rooms below and the ceiling voids above by the use of an open grid. This type ceiling the light is fixed to the lower side of the ceiling. RAISED FLOOR TYPES OF RAISED FLOOR The shallow or battened floor: This type of floor is supported on battens fixed to the structural sub-floor. This type of floor provide spaces of wiring and the floor contain the acoustic properties of a floor and as cavities seldom exceeds 100mm is normally only used to conceal cable runs. Platform floor: This type of floor is supported on adjustable jacks whom rest on the structural sub-floor. Using pedestals an adjustable cavity with depth ranging from 40mm to 150mm depending on which proprietary system can be provided. It is suitable for most services installation requirements. SECTION TWO TECHNICAL DESIGN DECISIONS TO BE TAKEN TO SPEED UP CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Clients often demand faster construction so as to benefit from early completion of projects. Although there are notable examples where fast construction has been achieved, the consensus is that the construction industry has not been entirely successful in meeting clients expectations. This is mainly due to a disjointed industry, in which design is often separated from the construction activities. Traditional practices are proving inadequate, to the point where either they can no longer achieve the desired delivery time, or, if projects are forced to meet the programme, they do not provide the required quality and long term performance. If faster construction is needed, the level of attainment of the targets is an essential part of assessing the overall performance of the construction industry in meeting client needs. Site location The location of the structure on the chosen site is often fundamental to the success of the faster construction initiative. Attention should be paid to site topography, especially noting potential sources of problems such as the water table, contamination, existing structures, substations and overhead high load cables. Repetition Repetition is a most effective way to speed up activities. This can involve the use of standardised components installed in the same way each time. For detail installation, repetition might mean standardising the grade of concrete everywhere on the project at 35 N/mm2, avoiding the additional management time of checking on each pour. Repetition might involve keeping an element to a constant dimension or position e.g. all lighting pendants are in the centre of every room, or extract vents are always 150 mm down from the ceiling. Standard modules Use of identical or standard modules speeds construction because it simplifies the checking of drawings, fabrication and installation. The principle can be applied by using a standard dense concrete block for all block work, or by employing standard air handling units in roof plant or standard toilet pods within the building Orientation The orientation of the project could dramatically affect the speed of construction. A project located some distance from the site access is likely to have more space available for off-loading facilities and storage. If the project structure is close to the access point, or obstructs or restricts access to the remainder of the site, then faster construction is likely to be more difficult. Configuration The mass, height or plan shape of a project will significantly affect the ease and speed of construction. While massed elements may speed construction, they may also obstruct the site and so slow progress. For example, large ductwork elements reduce the number of joint connections that need to be made and so reduce construction time. However, the greater size and length of the elements might hinder access and slow the process down. Prefabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation. Consider the potential of methods based on prefabrication; pre-assembly and modularisation. Environmental and sustainability issues Recognise the environmental and sustainability issues inherent in faster construction on site. It will probably be necessary to expend equal or more energy over a shorter period to achieve the same end-product earlier. The procedures should ensure that the materials used are sustainable.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tea Party Movement Essay -- What is the Tea Party Movement

Due to the weak state our of economy over the past several years, many organizations and movements have surfaced in order to attempt to make a change to better our country. One of those organizations is the Tea Party and their movement. The Tea Party movement is an effective political force in our society because it is respectable, organized, and focused on common issues. According to the official website for the Tea Party movement, it was formed randomly in 2009 from â€Å"the reaction of the American people fiscally irresponsible actions of the federal government, misguided ‘stimulus’ spending, bailouts, and takeovers of private industry.† In an article for PBS from 2010, Dante Chinni writes that there were about 67,000 members of the movement at that time. Since the article is roughly two years old, it can be estimated that the total number of members has grown significantly, especially with the recent downfall of the economy and other political forces. Chinni goes on to state that much of the movement’s population is concentrated either in boom towns, which are towns that went through rapid population growth during the housing crash of the early 2000’s, rural and agricultural counties, or counties located near armed forces bases. As far as member backgrounds, most Tea Party movement members tend to fall into the same category. In a New York Times article by Kate Zernike and Megan Thee-Brenan, they write that those who identify themselves as apart of the Tea Party are â€Å"wealthier and more well-educated than the general public.† Zernike and Thee-Brenan also state that according to a poll conducted by the Times and CBS News, most supporters of the movement are white males who are married and over the age of forty-fi... ...bers of Congress a Well-heeled Lot." Los Angeles Times, 05 Jan 2012. Web. 20 Mar 2015. Walsh, Kenneth. "Tea Party Presidential Candidates Flash and Fade." U.S. News and World Report, 28 Sep 2011. Web. 20 Mar 2015. Wing, Nick. "Rudy Giuliani: Tea Party 'Respectable', But Some Members, 'A Little Crazy’." Huffington Post, 25 Jan 2011. Web. 20 Mar 2015. Zernike, Kate, and Megan Thee-Brenan. "Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated." The New York Times, 14 Apr 2010. Web. 20 Mar 2015.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discrimination in The Workplace

For years people have been treated differently based upon their class, race, and gender. This has cause discrimination to take place and destroy people lives mentally in the work environment. Discrimination is unequal treatment of any group of people. This could apply to race, ethnic group, gender, and age (Discrimination, 2011). It has impact one’s social class in the workplace, keeping certain races from establishing deceased paying jobs, and only providing genders with limited job positions. In this paper the writer will be discussing the act of discrimination in the workplace. Social Class The social class was defined by the political power and social status of one’s heritage. Which there are three types of class structures lower, middle, and upper (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). The lower class has no job security due to not having any funds saved or assets (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). Lower-classman is bound to work at poorly paid jobs such as McDonalds and Burger King. Jobs like these offer no benefits for example health care and pay tuition. If these individuals are laid off or injured the welfare of their families could be in danger (The Social Organization of Work, pg 76). The lower class has a small percentage of offering their children an advantage to a secure job. The lower class is less likely to vote due to the lack of power they posses (The Social Organization of, pg 76). Discrimination in the Workplace Discrimination in the Workplace According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discrimination charges were up slightly from last year from 99,922 to 99,947. In terms of the volume of charges by protected class, the highest percentages were: †¢Retaliation – 37. 4% †¢Race – 35. 4% †¢Sex/Gender – 28. 4% †¢ADA/Disability – 25. 8% Nine out of ten times when you go into a business meeting, the person you are encountering for the first time has already formed an impression of you based on your communication with them up to that point.Your religion, race, height, nationality and even your gender are factors that most people make quick judgments about. Unfortunately, many of these judgments are bias and assumptions. According to Oxford dictionary, discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rathe r on the individual merit. My reasons for this message are to point out the effects of racial discrimination and how it can be prevented.Discrimination against people with different physical appearance, mental illness, or a different personal preference such as homosexuality is a position where people should never find themselves in. Discrimination affects people from all over the world. People of all ethnicities and from all different walks of life are influenced in some way by workplace discrimination. † One of the most common elements discriminated against is a person’s ethnicity, or their race. This is called Racial Discrimination. We’ve all heard the statistics about first impressions.When you meet someone for the first time, according to research at University of Pennsylvania 7% of their impression of you is based on what you say, 38% on how you say it, and a massive 55% on their appearance and manner. No wonder we worry about choosing our clothes for that all important meeting or job interview. What are the reasons in society that causes prejudice and discrimination? Consequently problems with discrimination are from parental discrimination, traditional labeling, and unfair generalizations. No one is born racist, sexist, or homophobic. Some parents aise their children with negative beliefs about others. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to get rid of discrimination in our workplace. A parent who is an extremist will more than likely have negative effects on how a child will treat others. In addition traditional labeling is another cause of discrimination. Discriminatory labels have been passed down from generation to generation. For example many children engage in activities such as breaking windows, stealing fruit from other people’s trees, climbing into other people’s yards, or playing hooky from school.In rich neighborhoods, these acts may be viewed by parents, teachers, and police as innocent aspects of t he process of growing up. In poor areas, on the other hand, these same activities might be seen as tendencies towards juvenile delinquency. This sort of labeling can easily lead to workplace bias. Lastly, unfair generalizations are another cause of discrimination. After a single person of a race or sex does something injustice, people tend to group the entire race or sex with that single person’s flawed actions. This tends to happen to minorities quite often in the workplace and also in the social life.All these things that I have listed play a significant role in molding and shaping a person character. Now I’m going to talk about the effects of racial discrimination. Discrimination at work can lead to decreased job performance and lower productivity. Workplace discrimination can impact the level of employee spirits. It goes without saying that if you witness discriminatory acts or are a victim of discrimination, the experience can be crushing. Employees who are expose d to discrimination can begin to surfer the effects of disrespect even if they are not the main target of discrimination.In addition, researchers find evidence that discrimination has a negative impact on one's mental health. Results from the study â€Å"Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health, Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Women's Physical and Emotional Health† reveal that women were being tested and their level of stress increased after experiencing job discrimination. In another study testing African American women, perceived racial discrimination at work led to higher levels of depression and decreased levels of psychological well-being.These studies suggest that mental stress is caused by work discrimination. Another effect of racial discrimination is that it damages the business reputation. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website contains information about discrimination lawsuits, settlements and awards. Newspapers publ ish stories of high-profile cases and jury trials awarding damages to plaintiffs in discrimination lawsuits. Rumors and truths spread throughout the business community, and potential applicants spread the word about businesses purported to engage in discriminatory employment practices.Allegations of discrimination can even affect the relationship between a company and its suppliers and vendors. All of this takes its toll on an organization's business reputation, its ability to recruit talent and, ultimately, its profitability. The saying â€Å"all publicity is good publicity† doesn't apply when the publicity is about discrimination. On the contrary there are solutions to these problems. These steps will help guide our heart and our morals. There are many ways but I selected two main guides to help us. One way to start the change is by renewing of your minds.We have to change our views by disciplining ourselves. Systematic judgments require more controlled processing and tend to occur when forming impressions of others that can affect our happiness or welfare. Learn to interact with people more on a personal level. Another way to stop discrimination is to report it. Any individual who is the victim of racial discrimination should not allow it to continue. You can report discrimination by documenting the incidents. Next you should report to a supervisor and show him the documentations. Lastly complain to EECO.File a report immediately then wait for EEOC to get back to you so afterwards you can get permission to take legal action if the discrimination is clear. Exercise commitment and patience in your journey to remove stereotyping from the mind and heart. In conclusion, with this in mind learning to dig deep from other people will bring humility. We can remove the snap judgments we make about people because someday we might under authority or be in the position of authority. Because discriminatory behavior can hardly be seen I challenge you to be cautious about what is said or done in the workplace.We can avoid being the attacker or the victim in this situation. These indications I listed are only of the few of our automatic notions about others. We should have an equal shot to an opportunity that is presented to us. ? Bibliography The Beginners Guide To Body Language. † Photograph. http://sapientology. com/body-language/how-to-read-body-language/. Matthew Michael. 2010. Web. 7 Nov 2011. . Haworth, Abigail. â€Å"Forced to Be Fat . † Marie Claire. 21072011: 1-3. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (Haworth 1-3) Anderson, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2009). Sociology: The Essentials.Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Giddens, A. (1991). Introduction to Sociology. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. VerBruggen, Robert. â€Å"Appearance Discrimination’: The New Racism?. † National Review Online. 06292010: 1-4. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (VerBruggen 1-4) America Obsession with beauty. † Photograph. The Fashion Spot. Randle Lee. Jelosof t Enterprises, 2008. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . â€Å"Oxford Dictionaries. † Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University, 01082011. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Pincus, Debbie . â€Å"Control Freak vs. Pushover Parenting: Why Neither Works . Empowering Parents. n. page. Print. . U. S Equal Employment Opportunity Commision . Privacy Policy. Facts About Race/Color Discrimination. 2012. Web. . Daeragon , Beth . â€Å"NH Employment Law Blog. † NH Employment Law Blog. . (2012): . Web. 19 Nov. 2012. . Pavalko, Eliza, Krysia Mossakowski, and Vanessa Hamilton. â€Å"Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health? Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Women’s Physical and Emotional Health. † 2001. Maduff and Maduff. (2008) Discrimination. Maduff and Maduff: A Civil Rights Law Firm. 2008 Discrimination in The Workplace For years people have been treated differently based upon their class, race, and gender. This has cause discrimination to take place and destroy people lives mentally in the work environment. Discrimination is unequal treatment of any group of people. This could apply to race, ethnic group, gender, and age (Discrimination, 2011). It has impact one’s social class in the workplace, keeping certain races from establishing deceased paying jobs, and only providing genders with limited job positions. In this paper the writer will be discussing the act of discrimination in the workplace. Social Class The social class was defined by the political power and social status of one’s heritage. Which there are three types of class structures lower, middle, and upper (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). The lower class has no job security due to not having any funds saved or assets (The Social Organization of Work, pg. 76). Lower-classman is bound to work at poorly paid jobs such as McDonalds and Burger King. Jobs like these offer no benefits for example health care and pay tuition. If these individuals are laid off or injured the welfare of their families could be in danger (The Social Organization of Work, pg 76). The lower class has a small percentage of offering their children an advantage to a secure job. The lower class is less likely to vote due to the lack of power they posses (The Social Organization of, pg 76). Discrimination in the Workplace Discrimination in the Workplace According to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Discrimination charges were up slightly from last year from 99,922 to 99,947. In terms of the volume of charges by protected class, the highest percentages were: †¢Retaliation – 37. 4% †¢Race – 35. 4% †¢Sex/Gender – 28. 4% †¢ADA/Disability – 25. 8% Nine out of ten times when you go into a business meeting, the person you are encountering for the first time has already formed an impression of you based on your communication with them up to that point.Your religion, race, height, nationality and even your gender are factors that most people make quick judgments about. Unfortunately, many of these judgments are bias and assumptions. According to Oxford dictionary, discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rathe r on the individual merit. My reasons for this message are to point out the effects of racial discrimination and how it can be prevented.Discrimination against people with different physical appearance, mental illness, or a different personal preference such as homosexuality is a position where people should never find themselves in. Discrimination affects people from all over the world. People of all ethnicities and from all different walks of life are influenced in some way by workplace discrimination. † One of the most common elements discriminated against is a person’s ethnicity, or their race. This is called Racial Discrimination. We’ve all heard the statistics about first impressions.When you meet someone for the first time, according to research at University of Pennsylvania 7% of their impression of you is based on what you say, 38% on how you say it, and a massive 55% on their appearance and manner. No wonder we worry about choosing our clothes for that all important meeting or job interview. What are the reasons in society that causes prejudice and discrimination? Consequently problems with discrimination are from parental discrimination, traditional labeling, and unfair generalizations. No one is born racist, sexist, or homophobic. Some parents aise their children with negative beliefs about others. This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to get rid of discrimination in our workplace. A parent who is an extremist will more than likely have negative effects on how a child will treat others. In addition traditional labeling is another cause of discrimination. Discriminatory labels have been passed down from generation to generation. For example many children engage in activities such as breaking windows, stealing fruit from other people’s trees, climbing into other people’s yards, or playing hooky from school.In rich neighborhoods, these acts may be viewed by parents, teachers, and police as innocent aspects of t he process of growing up. In poor areas, on the other hand, these same activities might be seen as tendencies towards juvenile delinquency. This sort of labeling can easily lead to workplace bias. Lastly, unfair generalizations are another cause of discrimination. After a single person of a race or sex does something injustice, people tend to group the entire race or sex with that single person’s flawed actions. This tends to happen to minorities quite often in the workplace and also in the social life.All these things that I have listed play a significant role in molding and shaping a person character. Now I’m going to talk about the effects of racial discrimination. Discrimination at work can lead to decreased job performance and lower productivity. Workplace discrimination can impact the level of employee spirits. It goes without saying that if you witness discriminatory acts or are a victim of discrimination, the experience can be crushing. Employees who are expose d to discrimination can begin to surfer the effects of disrespect even if they are not the main target of discrimination.In addition, researchers find evidence that discrimination has a negative impact on one's mental health. Results from the study â€Å"Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health, Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Women's Physical and Emotional Health† reveal that women were being tested and their level of stress increased after experiencing job discrimination. In another study testing African American women, perceived racial discrimination at work led to higher levels of depression and decreased levels of psychological well-being.These studies suggest that mental stress is caused by work discrimination. Another effect of racial discrimination is that it damages the business reputation. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website contains information about discrimination lawsuits, settlements and awards. Newspapers publ ish stories of high-profile cases and jury trials awarding damages to plaintiffs in discrimination lawsuits. Rumors and truths spread throughout the business community, and potential applicants spread the word about businesses purported to engage in discriminatory employment practices.Allegations of discrimination can even affect the relationship between a company and its suppliers and vendors. All of this takes its toll on an organization's business reputation, its ability to recruit talent and, ultimately, its profitability. The saying â€Å"all publicity is good publicity† doesn't apply when the publicity is about discrimination. On the contrary there are solutions to these problems. These steps will help guide our heart and our morals. There are many ways but I selected two main guides to help us. One way to start the change is by renewing of your minds.We have to change our views by disciplining ourselves. Systematic judgments require more controlled processing and tend to occur when forming impressions of others that can affect our happiness or welfare. Learn to interact with people more on a personal level. Another way to stop discrimination is to report it. Any individual who is the victim of racial discrimination should not allow it to continue. You can report discrimination by documenting the incidents. Next you should report to a supervisor and show him the documentations. Lastly complain to EECO.File a report immediately then wait for EEOC to get back to you so afterwards you can get permission to take legal action if the discrimination is clear. Exercise commitment and patience in your journey to remove stereotyping from the mind and heart. In conclusion, with this in mind learning to dig deep from other people will bring humility. We can remove the snap judgments we make about people because someday we might under authority or be in the position of authority. Because discriminatory behavior can hardly be seen I challenge you to be cautious about what is said or done in the workplace.We can avoid being the attacker or the victim in this situation. These indications I listed are only of the few of our automatic notions about others. We should have an equal shot to an opportunity that is presented to us. ? Bibliography The Beginners Guide To Body Language. † Photograph. http://sapientology. com/body-language/how-to-read-body-language/. Matthew Michael. 2010. Web. 7 Nov 2011. . Haworth, Abigail. â€Å"Forced to Be Fat . † Marie Claire. 21072011: 1-3. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (Haworth 1-3) Anderson, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2009). Sociology: The Essentials.Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Giddens, A. (1991). Introduction to Sociology. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. VerBruggen, Robert. â€Å"Appearance Discrimination’: The New Racism?. † National Review Online. 06292010: 1-4. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. . (VerBruggen 1-4) America Obsession with beauty. † Photograph. The Fashion Spot. Randle Lee. Jelosof t Enterprises, 2008. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . â€Å"Oxford Dictionaries. † Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University, 01082011. Web. 8 Nov 2011. . Pincus, Debbie . â€Å"Control Freak vs. Pushover Parenting: Why Neither Works . Empowering Parents. n. page. Print. . U. S Equal Employment Opportunity Commision . Privacy Policy. Facts About Race/Color Discrimination. 2012. Web. . Daeragon , Beth . â€Å"NH Employment Law Blog. † NH Employment Law Blog. . (2012): . Web. 19 Nov. 2012. . Pavalko, Eliza, Krysia Mossakowski, and Vanessa Hamilton. â€Å"Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health? Longitudinal Relationships Between Work Discrimination and Women’s Physical and Emotional Health. † 2001. Maduff and Maduff. (2008) Discrimination. Maduff and Maduff: A Civil Rights Law Firm. 2008

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bush essays

Bush essays For months now, the Bush Administration has been preparing the nation, and the world, for an inevitable confrontation with Iraq. This is a war a long time in the making. This war comes with many problems and many prespectives. The major conflict which is most likely to push The United States to war, is Iraq's lack of coaporation to satisfy United Nations demands over weapons inspections. Nobody ever thought that The United States could be attacked . After September 11th we knew that things could never be the same. Since then Iraq has become a clear and present threat to our saftey. Iraq refusing to coaporate with us makes it more likely that we will go to war with them. As long as The United States feels that Iraq is a possible threat to the nations saftey then war is a possibility. The threat of our saftey was possible long before Setember 11th. Saddam Husen leader of Iraq has always been uncoaprotive with mass distruction weapons. He had used weapons of mass destruction in the past. As far as we know he had never stopped in trying to develope them. We are just trying to help I raq. A Democratic Democracy would help liberize the Arab world. The people of Iraq are treated horrible. The Iraq goverment is a threat not only to the United States but to the whole world. Although many of the allies have not stepped up to help us. Iraq is not only attacking The United States he is attacking our belifes. Which many other contries share with us. Nobody wants to live in a world ran like Iraq. The war is in effort to stop Iraq before they are able to attack us unexpectedly. Why dont they want to hand over their weapons? The question is though are we going to war with Iraq or terrorrisom? Who and what are we scared of? If it is terrorism that we are trying to prevent and control then war is wrong. Al Queda will be at war with the U.S. no matter what we do in Iraq. Containment has worked for over 10 years and inspection might still be help...